Foreign Student Clerkship / ElectiveThe Shuseiki Center offers two programs for overseas students. The first is a 4-week Ob/Gyn clerkship. Weeks 1&2 are conducted at the Center/Kanazawa University Hospital, and Weeks 3&4 at a rural hospital. Click 2007, 2008 and 2009 to read students' impressions of this clerkship. The second program is an elective combining 2 weeks of intense Japanese language and cultural study followed by 1 week at the Center and 1 week at a rural hospital. Please note that the culture study program includes additional fees. Both programs run June-August, although we are happy to consider applications for other months as well. To apply, please contact Eric Stewart. You can download an application here. Option 1: Intensive Ob/Gyn Clerkship
Option 2: Cultural component Ob/Gyn Elective
Center for the Advancement of Pregnancy, Perinatal and Infant Care Kanazawa University School of Medicine 920-8641 Ishikawa Prefecture, Kanazawa City, Takura-machi 13-1 Copyright(c) Center for the Advancement of Pregnancy/Perinatal/Infant Care Kanazawa University (K-CAPPIC) All Rights Reserved. |